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Rain Garden Virtual Tour




Thinking of making your yard more watershed-friendly?


See what you can do at home to improve the quality of our local waterways — all the way to the Chesapeake Bay.  Take a self-guided tour of RainScapes projects in our area. RainScapes are areas of your yard that capture and filter rainwater, which helps keep pollutants out of streams and creeks.  Montgomery County has RainScapes Rewards program to help you plan your own RainScapes project and defray the costs.  Join us on a virtual tour to learn all about RainScapes and what you can do to help keep your watershed clean. 


We thank the homeowners who have welcomed us to their properties, as well as you, for taking time to learn more about these simple, effective and beautiful solutions. Together, we can make a difference in the quality of life in Montgomery County, now and for generations to come.


​Questions? Contact us at


Rain Garden Tour 2017

FoCJC Garden Tour 2017-1 - RS Demo.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2017-2 - Conservation Landscaping.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2017-3 - Permeable Pavement.png

Rain Garden Tour 2018

FoCJC Garden Tour 2018-1 - Rain Garden.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2018-3 - Conservation Landscaping.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2018-6 - Conservation Landscaping.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2018-1A - Rain Garden.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2018-4 - Rain Garden.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2018-2 - Permeable Pavement.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2018-5 - Permeable Pavement.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2018-7 - Conservation Landscaping.png

Rain Garden Tour 2019

FoCJC Garden Tour 2019-1 - Multi-Technique.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2019-4 - Conservation Landscaping.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2019-7 - Permeable Pavement.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2019-2 - Rain Garden.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2019-5 - Rain Barrels.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2019-3 - Rain Garden_e
FoCJC Garden Tour 2019-6 - Permeable Pavement.png
FoCJC Garden Tour 2019-8 - Conservation Landscaping.png

Funding for this Watershed Restoration and Outreach grant project was provided by the Montgomery County, MD, Water Quality Protection Charge and managed by the Chesapeake Bay Trust.

CBT_BayPlate_Logo_CBTrust_Web_Final 2021.jpg
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