Get Involved: DONATE NOW!
Please Support FoCJC!
There are many ways to support the mission of FoCJC, but one easy way is to make a tax-deductable donation.
As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization*, our work is supported by grants, community organizations, and private donations. Your donation will help support our programs by providing sustainable funding for our organization. Whether it’s sharing the joy of bug-collecting with neighborhood kids, installing rain barrels to collect stormwater runoff, or coordinating with local agencies to evaulate current stream conditions, your donation will support our efforts to preserve our waterways.
Any amount helps protect and improve our watershed.
Click the button below to submit a secure online payment via Paypal. A Paypal account is NOT required. (Help us even more by adding 4 percent to your donation to cover the processing fee Paypal charges us.)

In addition to contributing financially, please consider donating your time to FoCJC.
Learn more about how to become a volunteer!
We also welcome donations by mail:
Friends of Cabin John Creek
P.O. Box 267
Cabin John, MD 20818
To show our thanks, you'll receive our free newsletter, with information about watershed events and issues.
*Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. Our Tax Exempt Identification Number is 46-2293024.