Rain Garden Tour 2019
Plus Nature Documentary, June 29, Noon: Hometown Habitats
Saturday, June 29 & Sunday June 30
10 am - 5 pm
Thinking of making your yard more watershed-friendly?
Take a free, self-guided tour to see examples of rain gardens and other completed RainScapes projects at nearby properties. RainScapes are areas of your yard that capture and filter rainwater, which helps keep pollutants out of streams and creeks. We hope you'll get inspired to complete your own environmentally friendly RainScapes project to manage stormwater on your property, once you've visited these properties at your convenience over these two days. Montgomery County has RainScapes Rewards program to help you plan your own RainScapes project and refund some of the cost. Join us to learn all about this program and what you can do to help keep your watershed clean.
At noon on Saturday, June 29, we will be launching the weekend tour with a gathering at the RainScapes projects installed by Geneva Presbyterian Church. As a special bonus, Geneva will be screening Hometown Habitat: Stories of Bringing Nature Home, a 90-minute environmental documentary focused on the importance of native plants to the survival and vitality of local ecosystems.
Launch and Screening:
When: Saturday, June 29, Noon
Where: Geneva Presbyterian Church,
11931 Seven Locks Rd, Rockville, MD 20854
Self-Guided Tour:
When: Saturday, June 29 - Sunday, June 30, 10 am - 5 pm
Where: Multiple properties in the Cabin John Creek Watershed
Tour Maps: Download a map here, get one at the launch event, or email FoCJC to request one.
Tour Details:
Since this is a Rain Garden tour, the event will be held rain or shine.
At each property, there will be an FoCJC sign and brochure stand containing a flyer with the project details.
Find the properties using the tour map.
There is no set order to the tour, and you may visit all the properties or only ones with the type of project you are interested in.
Types of projects you’ll see: Rain Gardens, Conservation Landscaping Gardens, Rain Barrels, Permeable Pavement.
We ask that you be respectful of homeowners and neighbors:
No blocking driveways or roads when parking
Check for traffic when crossing roads
No pets (except service animals)
No smoking
Questions? Contact us at
Bonus Opportunity
Over the summer, we will also be introducing a new type of
Stormwater Management Technique that will be part of a new
FoCJC program starting in the fall, in which we will be offering
free Rain Planters to appropriate properties.
Contact us if you want to find out more.