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Big Wave

Workshop: Faith & Local Waters

Sunday, October 21, 2018, 3 to 5 pm
Beth Sholom Congregation
11825 Seven Locks Rd., Potomac
  • Discuss Green Ministry Principles

  • Learn about your Local Watershed Environment

  • Share your Stormwater Problems

  • Consider Stormwater Management Solutions

  • Develop a Stewardship Plan specific to your Congregation

  • Get Free Advice from Montgomery County RainScapes Experts

FoCJC, working with Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake, has developed a two-hour workshop to inspire and inform local congregations about the Cabin John Creek Watershed in which they are located.   The program will give attendees the inspiration and knowledge to undertake or further an earth friendly stewardship program with a stormwater management component after the workshop. 


We invite each house of workship to send two representatives from their congregation.  Our goal is to have each team develop a workplan during the workshop, which they will share with their faith group and begin to implement, with possible FoCJC and MCDEP support. 

This workshop is co-hosted by Beth Sholom Congregation and St. James' Episcopal Church.  Immediately after the workshop, we will visit the beautiful Rain Garden they share, which is both a peaceful place for contemplation and helps to manage run-off and flooding from the strong storms we face.  The Rain Garden was paid for by the Montgomery County RainScapes Program, which may be able to help you with flooding and run-off at your house of worship.


RSVP:    Required by October 14,



Workshop Schedule


2:45 pm        Arrival & Sign In

3:00 pm        Welcome & Introduction

3:05 pm        Opening Prayer

3:10 pm        Session 1:  Faith Foundations of Stewardship (IPC)

                                          RainScapes Installations & Funding (MCDEP)

3:45 pm        Activity 1:   A Day on the Chesapeake (IPC)

4:00 pm        Session 2:  Developing a Plan of Action (IPC)

4:20 pm        Activity 2:   Action Plan Development (IPC)

4:50 pm        Call to Action

5:00 pm        Tour of Host RainScapes Project (Optional)

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