Creek Critter Event
Saturday, August 20, 2022: 9am - Noon
Locust Grove Nature Center (Creekside at the Sycamore Amphitheater)
Ever wonder what lives in the creek? Join us for a free family activity identifying the critters frolicking in Cabin John Creek.
We'll lead teams through an interactive field exercise to catch and identify critters (macroinvertebrates) in the creek. A stream health report is generated from the Audubon Naturalist Society's CREEK CRITTERS® app, based on the macros that are found.
What do I need?
Water shoes / sandals (close toed, you'll wade in the creek)
Water bottle & snacks
Your lunch for afterward
Download the CREEK CRITTERS® App onto your phone (we’ll have a few extra phones for people to use)
Friends of Cabin John Creek and Audubon Naturalist Society will provide all necessary equipment.
Attendance is limited to 30, so please sign up in advance!
Made possible through the Montgomery County Watershed Restoration and Outreach Grant program funded
through the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Fund”,