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And there are lots of other ways to get involved before CREEKfest 2018!

CREEKfest 2017

On October 15th, the community turned out at the Friends of Cabin John Creek inaugural CREEKfest event at the Clara Barton Community Center.  The goal was to promote awareness and stewardship of the Cabin John Creek Watershed.  The event was a great success, and we hope all participating enjoyed it as much as we did.

Attendees to the event were greeted by a wide variety of exhibitors.  Thank you to Aquabarrel, Audubon Naturalist Society Creek Critters Program, C&O Canal Bike Patrol and Bike Loan Program, Chesapeake Bay Trust, The Compost Crew, Friends of Ten Mile Creek & Little Seneca Reservoir, IndivisibleCJ, Lisa Wilcox Deyo Landscape Architecture, Montgomery Bird Club, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection RainScapes and Green Programs, Montgomery Parks, and Weed Warriors for sharing their exhibits and expertise.  We’d also like to thank the Maryland Department of Natural Resources for sharing their Scales & Tales wildlife show with us.

For their donations to the CREEKfest Raffle, FoCJC thanks: Aquabarrel, Broadway Pizza, C&O Canal Bike Patrol, The Compost Crew, Grilled Oyster Company, Hall of Fame Cards, Lisa Wilcox Deyo Landscape Architecture, Norman’s Farm Market, Sal’s Italian Kitchen, and Wild Tomato.  For their event support, we thank the Bethesda Co-Op and Friends of Ten Mile Creek & Little Seneca Reservoir, and for the Passport prizes, Good Earth Garden Center and Botanical Interests.

The Crêpe Shoppe tempted us with the aroma of their savoury and sweet delectables, and we thank them for the wonderful, warm meals they served to many.  We had a fantastic music program, with thanks going out to Alpha Dog Acoustic Blues Ensemble.

None of this would be possible without the hard work of volunteers and Board Members for their help in pulling together, setting up, exhibiting at, and taking down the event, as well as the support of the staff of the Clara Barton Community Center.


And finally, we acknowledge the Chesapeake Bay Trust and the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection for grant funding to Friends of Cabin John Creek from the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Fund.

Funding for this Watershed Restoration and Outreach grant project was provided by the Montgomery County, MD Water Quality Protection Charge and managed by the Chesapeake Bay Trust. 

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