FoCJC Creek Keepers - Creek Survey
FoCJC invites you to participate in a new event that gives you an opportunity to do something fun – spend time along Cabin John Creek – while making a difference to your environment. Each November, we are recruiting volunteer environmental monitors to walk their favorite segment of the Creek and document what they see – both the good and the bad! We’ll use this information to help us plan our stewardship programs for maximum impact on the health and beauty of the CJC Watershed.
Anyone 12 years old or up who cares about the creek and can monitor a quarter mile or more along the creek can become an FoCJC Creek Keeper. We welcome individuals, couples, families, friends, or small groups. Much of the Creek is on Montgomery Parks property.
Any time that’s convenient for you in November each year.
Find a safe and legal access point to the creek or any of its tributaries and, where possible, walk at least a quarter mile upstream or downstream.
Document the general state of the Creek, look for any signs of physical disturbance (eroded banks, fallen trees that block the trail or creek, trash, tree cages or other debris in the creek), and notice any special places that catch your eye. Then note the location and photograph them.
No special knowledge is needed for this event, but a camera with geolocation ability would be helpful. Please do not get in the creek or try to fix or collect anything; just observe and report the conditions. All volunteers over 12 years old should fill out a Registration Form. Once you register, we will send detailed instructions and a link to the electronic data submission form.
The information you gather will allow us to make plans for future events and track conditions in the watershed over time. Our plan is to extend this event into a long-term program with multiple monitoring campaigns throughout the year. We hope that, over time, we can create formal teams that will adopt a particular segment of the creek for long-term stewardship. With 25 square miles of watershed and eight named tributaries feeding into the Cabin John Creek mainstem, FoCJC Creek Keepers will be the eyes and ears of the Cabin John Creek Watershed!
Our first Creek Keeper Event was held Saturday, November 6 through Sunday, November 14, 2021.
Interested in being a Creek Keeper or have questions?